Tips and Ideas for Working with a Child Custody Attorney

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Child custody is a complex legal issue that needs to be handled by a knowledgeable lawyer. A child custody dispute can be emotionally taxing and complicated. Protecting your parental rights and keeping your focus on what matters can be achieved by hiring an expert attorney early on. You may ensure that all legal requirements are fulfilled with the assistance of a lawyer. If you are looking for an experienced Child Custody Attorney, visit for guidance and Free Consultation!

State rules pertaining to custody differ, however all family courts must take the kid’s best interests into account when deciding who gets to keep the child. Regarding what’s in the best interests of the child, the judge may consult with both parents. The parent who should have legal and/or physical custody of the child will subsequently be determined by the judge. Judges often want both parents to be involved in their children’s lives and to spend equal time with them. Equal time is not always implied by this, though. For instance, a judge would likely place greater value on supporting your child for an hour at a baseball game than on spending a few hours together playing video games in the same room.

Should the parties be able to agree upon a child custody plan, the court can enter the agreement into the records without holding a formal hearing and won’t need to hear testimony from either parent or the child. In the event that the parents cannot agree on what is best for their kid, the court will convene a hearing and can ask both sides to provide testimony. The child, parents, and other important individuals in the child’s life may also be required to be interviewed by a forensic expert, who will then be required to report back to the court.

In addition, the court will consider the physical and behavioural well-being of both parents, their capacity to raise a kid, their living situations (new romantic partners, appropriate housing, environmental issues), and any past history of drug or alcohol misuse. Depending on the child’s age and the particulars of the situation, the child’s wishes may be taken into account.

It is also possible for both parents to request a change to their existing custody arrangement. To do this, they have to demonstrate a significant shift in the situation that has an impact on the child’s wellbeing. A parent relocating out of the neighbourhood, being unwell and unable to parent or putting their child in danger, or having work-related changes that need rearranging visitation are a few examples of this.

Since 2013, Knoxville clients have benefited from the legal services offered by John T. Sholly, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Their company helps families with paternity actions, co-parenting agreements, divorce, and child support. The legal team have vast expertise in manoeuvring the legal system, guiding clients through intricate circumstances, and safeguarding their parental rights. Reach out to the company for a consultation. The attorney will pay attention to your requirements and go over your possibilities. They will attend your court appearances and prepare and file the required papers, if needed. Call John T. Sholly, Attorney and Counselor at Law today at (865) 276-7228 for your consultation with a Knoxville Family Lawyer. Busy? We will come to you!